Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Busy Lives

You know, my life has seemed so busy lately, I'm sure a lot of you know what I'm talking about, especially if you have kids at home, jobs, pets...........etc.... But, I have been thinking of how ridiculous it actually is. I mean, why do we fill our lives with all of this stuff??? How much of it is really effecting who we are?? I really don't know.

Danielle has basketball practice, and games. She has hip-hop lessons, and recitals. She has been wanting to ski every weekend, so we have been working that in as much as possible. She is so involved with friends, I believe it may be taking over her life, a little. She is involved in all sorts of after school activities that actually have to do with school. We go to every single after school function at her school. We even take other parents' kids along. I hate to say that I do think that a lot of these activities have really been good for her. Oh, and let's not forget homework. Do you know how much homework a second grader has these days. It's crazy. I also hate to say that I have recently wanted to add a couple things to that list, but my husband said....."she's busy enough already!!!" I know, I know. But she would like to start other things also. I guess we need to wait till she finishes up basketball.

So, since we have had the river place, our lives have seemed to be extra full of this weekend getaway experience. And for the most part, I think this has been an awesome addition to our life. It has brought it's share of headaches and problems, but the good parts, I think, greatly out weigh the bad. By a long shot. But it for sure has taken up much more of our time then we EVER imagined. We thought we would be sitting in front of the fire, drinking a beer, relaxing, yeah right. You only get to do that after all the work is done. Hey, when is all the work gonna be done???

Joe's promotion has brought on a very different atmosphere in this house. Our weeks seem to go by extra fast when he is down in Utah for a couple of days. (at least for me...) He probably thinks the time just drags on. This has actually given me a bit of time to tidy up my house so that when he is home, we have a bit more time for the "other" stuff. We feel like we are continually coming and going.

My volunteering for AARP has been a great experience, but as with all things, when you start to help out people, they would always love to have more help. So, I think this year I have successfully been able to keep my hours down and only go in one day a week, but they are already gearing me up for next year and talking about seeing me more...............I really like doing this, but I also don't want it to effect my family time. At all. No getting around it.

Ok, so the point I was trying to get across is this.............

When I was growing up, our lives just didn't seem this full of "stuff". It all seemed a little simpler. Maybe I am just imagining things, but it just didn't seem so hectic 20 years ago. Have we all chosen to be this busy? I guess in a way, we have. We could tell Danielle she couldn't be so involved in things. We could get some self control and stop volunteering for so much stuff. We could try to stay home a little more often, and just enjoy being here. But hey, what fun is that??? We have gotten used to a busier schedule full of activities, and sometimes I actually think we would go nuts if it was less full. Or are we already nuts??? Probably.

The Picture Says it All..............

Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Cabin

Look at my "cabin". I have always wanted one. And actually, all I got was a 1960-something single wide trailer that we had the experience of trying to "turn" into a cabin. I will try to post some before pictures for those of you who haven't seen it before. I think we did a pretty good job. From the inside, you'd never know the difference. Now from the outside, it's not too convincing. But, it is currently doing it's job as my private little get-away. I love it there and hopefully I will still be thinking these positive thoughts this spring when we get to clean up the huge mess that the last few wind-storms have made. Lot's of work, but its definitely worth it!!!

Time for a happy blog...........

I have done enough complaining for the near future. I decided I needed to post something "good" for a change.

This is Danielle on the four wheeler last weekend at the river. You know, when I was a kid and I was on my motorbike I was soooooo careful. I was scared to death to wreck on it. Almost too scared to have any fun. Well, Danielle must take after her dad. She is already pretty gutsy on that thing. He had "no fear" when it came to motorcycles. Hopefully she is right in the middle of us when it comes to her comfort level on that bike. Still having fun while being super careful. If not, mom will put the brakes on it in a hurry!!!!


Friday, February 23, 2007

cute cartoon

A Welcome Sight

Alright, I was doing my evening ritual ( watching entertainment shows while painting my nails...) and they were talking about the Anna Nicole thing and I just had to come and post my opinion about it. I was absolutely shocked ( in a good way) that as the judge was giving his order ( if that's what you call it...) he actually got really choked up. He cried. You never see this happen. I always wondered how these professionals could go through a trial that is very emotional and read a verdict so calmly. Like they weren't even involved in it. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see him show so much emotion. I mean, I didn't really want him to cry, but it hit me that this man was actually, well, human. Because sometimes you've got to wonder.

Oh, and last but not least, what in the heck is up with Britney Spears?? I'm sorry, but that girl needs some help. I mean, whenever I act like that, I get help. ( Just kidding, people...)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yes, I would like cheese with my "whine"....

I am feeling the urge to whine a bit......

First of all, Why is my house always grand central station??? Why do all the kids have to come here and play. ( play = another word for, make the house look like a hurricane hit.) Ok, danielle has some friends that once in awhile let her go over to their house, but let me tell ya, they are few and far between. Who nominated me to be the babysitter of every neighborhood kid?? I'd be rich if I was getting paid for this. (don't take this as I don't like kids, I love kids, just not every fricken day, people.)

Why do I volunteer for crap I don't even want to do??? I got a call from the children's library lady where I work ( very part-time) and after I got off the phone with her, I realized that I had just agreed to go to every daycare in this fricken town and read stories and sing songs like "the wheels on the bus" and do self-puppet shows like " where is thumb kin" to all the happy little runny nosed kids there. What???? I did what??? I am gonna do what??? I don't even think I have ever done "where is thumb kin" with Danielle. Ok, maybe I have. But not in a public place when every single eye is right on you. I can't believe I agreed to this. Let it be known that I have already had like 2 sleepless nights over this. I wake up sweating like a pig just thinking about it. And no, I'm not just practicing being the pig in "the big bad wolf" story. Although, I probably could use the practice..........

Why am I the one who has to plan out every single family function in order "not" to hurt any ones itty bitty feelings. I mean, why do I have to worry about it??? Did I sign up for this? Ok, my parents don't do wonderful when they are in the same room. So why do I fricken care. Why. How come I just can't do like the rest of them and not loose any sleep over whether so and so gets one more hour of Christmas family time than the other. I mean, good grief, who made me in charge of all the "arrangements". Actually, I am not quite sure they even know I am making arrangements. I think that they think everything just falls in to place perfectly because of....................fate???? Give me a break people. I have spent tons of time going over different scenarios trying to make everything work out just peachy so that no one has a bad day. Well, I just figured out that one person still has a bad day. Who could it be???? Why, I think it is me. So how's that workin' for me???? Not too well, I have to admit.

Ok, I feel so much better. Now that I have vented, I will go pour me a big glass of cheap red wine. My favorite. Oh, and I will slice up some cheese to go with it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What is with these people?

Ok, every night before my "main" TV shows come on, I sit down to relax and watch some entertainment show that is on. So, I am sure you guys know what I am talking about when I say....." What in the hell is going on with this Anna Nicole crap??" Why do people turn into psycho's when someone dies. Doesn't her mom watch the same TV that we do? Because if she did, she would know that Anna Nicole absolutely despised her. Jesus, even little old me knows this. I mean, she was shaking uncontrollably ( ok, I know it could have been due to some sort of substance she may have been using.....ya think? ) just at the thought of her mother ever even SEEING Dani Lynn or her, ever. So, now that Anna has died, her mom thinks she should have the body to bury wherever she wants. What??? Oh, and why in the heck would it matter who the father of that baby is when it comes to where to bury her??? Anna was obviously closer to Howard, so on the subject of where she wanted to be buried, wouldn't he know best?? Maybe I am wrong here.( But I highly doubt it.... :-) ) I think that she probably should have had all of this crap written out in great detail in her will. So, who knows. Maybe Larry B will get control of her body and have her cremated and sitting up on his headboard in a hooters cup or something.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Playdates and Alcohol

I have been browsing around different blogs lately, and I have seen alot of comments about this topic that was discussed last week on the "Today" show. They were discussing how some moms had chosen to add drinks to their playdates with the neighborhood moms and their kids. This is stirring up a bunch of different opinions. As you can only imagine.

Ok, so here, I'll put my two cents in........

I have had a drink at a playdate. "A drink" is the key word. A simple glass of red wine. I did not get sloshed. This playdate also was next door, so I did not have to drive home, I just had to stumble. Joking.

Also, I have good memories of playing with my friends and relatives while my parents were getting "drunked" up with the other parents. Hey, we got away with alot more after the parents had a few!!!! :-)

So, I don't think this is a huge deal. I don't feel like me or the other moms that have had a drink at a playdate were being irresponsible. Heck, it helps ease the stress of thinking about the huge mess we are gonna have to clean up after the kids get done fingerpainting the walls, linoleum, bathroom, windows, doors, etc.......Not to mention spilling their kool-aid all over everything in sight. Good grief people, a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. Don't judge us till you've been there. The only thing I regret is that the last playdate I attended was like..................3 years ago.

Fact, By Danielle

I was organizing papers................filing some, throwing some in the garbage, and I ran across this little essay that Danielle wrote at school last year. I just thought it was cute how she spelled everything..............( I'm gonna post it just like she wrote it.)


Snow is white.

tocos have shels.

Grass is green.

the sky is blue.

Hats go on yore head.

Dichonerys tell you what words mean.

A is the first leter of the Alfabet.

rocks are hard.

I thought that was pretty good for a first grader. Pretty cute, too. So, that one definately isn't going in the garbage.....

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sea of Red

The sea of red I am talking about is the view we had from our seats at none other than.......The Kennel, at Gonzaga University. Yep, we were there. We were there when the 2 seniors played their last minutes on their home court. We were there when it was 2 minutes till the start of the game and the student section was jumping up and down, screaming, clapping and getting ready for the game beginning tip-off. We were there to hear the roar of the crowd as Gonzaga entered the McCarthey Athletic Center and they were in the mood to WIN. It was awesome. Joe, Danielle, a friend from Joe's work and my mom and I were lucky enough to get 5 tickets to the game that every Zag fan wanted to be a part of. I will tell ya, I could have sold those tickets for 5 times what I paid for them, but if you felt what we felt as the team ran out on the floor, you'd know why I didn't. WE WERE THERE.
Don't even ask me how I got the tickets. It's kinda like how you can never ask my grandpa where his favorite huckleberry picken' spot is, you just can't give it away......

Also, I'm gonna miss seeing Derek Raivio playing with the team next year. Hey, what can I say, I felt a tiny connection to the guy. His family has ties to the same neck of the woods I do, yep, none other than the little town of Mullan. So, us Mullanite's have loved watching him play along with the Zags. Yep, Mullan knows how to grow 'em.


Got Snow?

It was a great day for skiing at Lookout Pass yesterday. Joe, Danielle and I spent about 7 hours on the hill. It was not too cold, at some points the sun was shining and at other points the snow was falling out of the sky like a blizzard. All in all, it was a good day!!! Hopefully we still have a few good weekends left for skiing. I'm not ready for the snow to melt quite yet.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

How nice is that???????

Yep, that's what lucky me got for Valentines Day. I have such a nice and thoughtful husband. I really hope he didn't take my previous post seriously.....

Anyway, I like 'em, I really, really like 'em.

Kids say the funniest things....

Yes, I know I am stealing that title from a TV show, or is it the "darnedest" things??? Either way, they do.

We went to a function at Danielle's school called Dinner and a Book. We went to her school, ate a school lunch that they called dinner, (Actually, it was either super good chili or I was just super hungry....), then we had to rotate from classroom to classroom, doing different activities and listening to different speakers.

So, the first one was this really patient lady that was teaching all the kids ( and parents) about the food pyramid ( did you know it has TOTALLY changed since when I was a kid), about what foods are healthy, what foods are categorized as, and she also went into this big spiel about how Calcium is super healthy for yourself, including your bones. So, she said that 99% of your bones were calcium ( who knew) and that you could have osteoporosis if you didn't eat enough of it. (Yes, I know that....) She shows us all some containers of a white powdery substance and she says the amount in the littler container would be the amount of calcium in a baby's bones if they were ground up and put in that container. So, the first little kid raises his hand and says " Is that a real baby???". She happily tells them no, it is not. So, she goes to the next bigger container and says the same thing but that it would be the amount in an 8 year old bones. Yep, the next kid raises his hand and asks " Is that a real 8 year old???", she happily tells him, no. And on and on, you get the picture.

The next room is where we got to be involved in a "Chain" story. You know, one person starts it and passes on to the other to add their part of the story. So, the teacher starts it. All the little girls are like...." And the baby and the mommy ride the boat down the river and watch the birds fly by....." and the little boy that was next goes...." And a huge shark jumped out of the water and bit the heads of the mom and the baby...." then the next little girl is like...." then the shark opened his mouth and the mommy and the baby jumped out of the shark's mouth and got back on the raft and sang happy songs......" and the next little boy goes...." then the raft went off the cliff and they died." ( I guess that's the end.)

So, we next went to a classroom where the kids bodies were traced while they were laying on paper. One little girl was carefully drawing around a little boy and she tried really hard to draw everything just perfect. Then they switched, and the little boy drew the girl in like 2 seconds and before he got done he went back up to her head and drew "devil" horns on it. So the mom of the boy noticed before the mom of the girl did and the boys mom went over to the drawing and drew a huge red bow over the top of the horns. The whole time I was just cracking up. Gosh, kids are too funny. Thank god for the difference between boys and girls. It keeps thing interesting.

Eating out.....

Why can't I just have a pleasurable experience at a fast food restaurant. Maybe I am just asking too much. Maybe it is a sign that I need to just drive right past them and fight my temptation to eat a yummy "big mac" or "regular" (at arbys). Although, my last experience could actually pass as good, OR bad. Let me explain......

My mom and I are sitting in Arbys, enjoying ourselves, eating our food, and after I was about half done, the older guy in the table behind us, started coughing. Yes, I know, sometimes you need to cough, but this was just.......Way past that. He just kept on coughing this awful, yucky sounding cough. I was thinking, "Jesus, go outside and let us finish stuffing our faces, already". But, he didn't. So, after about 3 of these "episodes", I wrapped my food up, put it on the tray, and sadly threw it in the trash can.

So, the bad part about this experience is, I was enjoying my food, until I lost my appetite and had to throw it away. The good part is, I lost my appetite before I stuffed myself into feeling totally full and miserable, like I usually would do.

This experience has made me try, to always see "good" part of a bad situation. There. I did.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


We all need more of it. Well, I guess I can only speak for myself. It's funny, it seems like after you have kids, time goes by like twice as fast as it did before you had them. Why is that. I mean, before Danielle and during my school days, time seemed to just drag on. I can remember just hoping for time to go by faster so I could graduate high school, then graduate college, then get married, then have kids, and to tell you the truth, the first few months after I had danielle time seemed a bit slow also. But my mom and other family members kept telling me to cherish every moment, because one day I would look back on it and it would seem like one day disappeared into the next way to fast. It is true. But when she was a baby it would seem like an eternity when she cried. Joe and I would take turns walking with her, rocking with her, trying to comfort her, and it seemed nothing helped, and it seemed she would cry forever, and we were both looking at each other to do something, and then finally, she would fall asleep. But those were the months that seemed to go on and on, at the time. But now, as I look back, it seems like they only lasted minutes. It's funny how your brain works.

So I sit here wondering how we have covered the last eight years of her life in what seems like 1 or 2 years in my head. Are the next 10 going to go as fast? Unfortunately, everyone has told me that yes, they will go just as fast.

She has changed so much in the last couple of months that sometimes I don't even notice it until I take a picture of her and really look at it. When her school picture came back I looked at it and could not believe how much she is changing. And it's all happening right before my eyes. So why is it that it is so hard for me to see? I don't know, maybe it's because it's kind of gradual when she is right in front of you all the time. But, it's still happening. So, I got the camera out, and I plan to start taking pictures more often, so I can try to capture a little bit of time, and make it stop, for a moment, or two......

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Let me tell ya, Neiko has been very busy today. He was eager to perform his important duty as an official "Valentine" for grandma and Danielle. We have already delivered two bouquets of flowers to grandma's house and Danielle's school. He got a big huge hug from grandma and is waiting patiently for Danielle to get home from school. Happy Valentines Day, Everyone!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

You Go Girls!!!!!

Wow. I can't tell you how excited I was as I watched the Grammy's last night. I was laying in bed as the "Song of the Year" category came up and I will tell ya, there were a lot of good songs up for that award. As they read the results, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best......And, they won. I let out a scream. Yes, the Dixie Chicks stole the show by winning 5, count them, FIVE Grammies. So, let me tell ya, I was super jacked. I really didn't know that it would have happened like that. It was awesome, and well deserved. Let the controversy begin!!!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A funny joke for you.....

Oh my gosh, I saw this and I could not stop laughing. I thought I'd share it with you all. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Oh my gosh.....

What was he thinking?? What were THEY thinking? I am talking about Gonzaga Bulldog starter Josh Heytvelt and Teammate Davis. Last night they were stopped for a routine traffic stop and bam, life changed for both of them. The officer thought he smelled marijuana. They found it. Along with that illegal drug, they found mushrooms. What in the world were they thinking??? So, off to jail they went. And per Gonzaga Staff at a press conference today, they are indefinitely suspended. They will more than likely never play basketball at Gonzaga University again. Wow. Head coach Mark Few is "shocked and saddened." So are we.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

It's One Week Till Valentines Day......

I saw this and just had to post it!!! Cute, huh.
Nope, it's not a hint for my husband, believe it or not, he wanted to buy me diamond earrings for our 10 year anniversary and I talked him out of it. That's right girls. what was I thinkin???
I must have been all doped up on medication or something???? :-)
Hey, I thought I saw him slip something in my drink that night.........then I got real tired and I was like ...."oh no honey, not diamond earrings......."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Ok, I ran across a really weird thing when I was doing taxes this past week. I was helping this husband and wife. They have 3 kids at home. They do not make much money........AT ALL. So, I had done about 4 returns already for previous tax payers, and everyone that day had qualified for something that Idaho calls the "Grocery tax credit". What this is, is a credit that Idaho gives back to tax payers because we pay a state tax on groceries (food). So, when I finished this family of five's return, I was going over it with them, and I noticed that the grocery credit did not automatically come up like it had on the previous 4 I had done. So, I stopped and looked over everything again, making sure that I put in the right amount of dependants, etc. I mean, this credit is worth $20.00 per person and that would mean $100.00 for this deserving family. So, I looked back at the return, and everything looked right on it. But still, the credit did not post. So, I asked my supervisor to come over and take a look at it too see if I made an error or what??? After about 5 minutes of looking, he finally remembered that you have to make a certain amount of income in order to qualify for this particular credit. WHAT??? You mean, if you don't make enough money, you don't qualify for this grocery credit.???? That is like, bizarre. These people are buying groceries for 5 people for crying out loud. They make an income that qualifies them to be in the poverty level. If this family does not qualify for the grocery tax credit, then who does. I believe that these type of people are who deserve it most. Maybe I'm crazy.

A Quote along with a story......

I was looking for a quote to post to my blog today, and I came across this one, and I immediately thought of my mom. I am not very good at putting my thoughts into words, but I hope that I can do it good enough this time, so that you will all understand just how much I appreciate my mom's influence with Danielle, and of course, our whole family.

The quote is this.......

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. ~Rachel Carson

So, as I read it, I wanted to find the perfect picture to go along with it, and I looked and I found many to choose from. The reason there were so many to choose from is because this is the way that my mom is around her grand kids. ALWAYS helping, showing, explaining, laughing, and teaching my daughter whatever she wants to learn or experience. If there is any possibility for my mom to help her, she will. And its not just helping, but the patience along with the help is just something that she does without thinking. I, on the other hand, was not given this gift of patience like my mom has. I need to continually work to be patient, and sometimes I unfortunately fail. But she never does. The kids can learn to water- color paint ( and drip paint and water all over), they can put huge puzzles together with help from grandma, they can make Christmas gingerbread houses with sticky frosting and tiny candies that get lost in the carpet, they can learn how to sew, they can plant flowers (even if they aren't the most gentle and break off a few leaves, grandma never minds..) they can make tons of crafts, they can read for hours on end with her and she'll listen just as closely the 10th time as she did the first, and it seems she never tires. How does she do it? When I become a grandmother will I have this gift? I can only hope and pray that I do. Because it is that gift, that means the world to the kids that are experiencing it first hand. And they will cherish that gift forever. And I believe it will help to shape the way they interact when they become grandparents. So, here's a huge shout-out to my mom, " Thank you, thank you, thank you, what a difference you are making."

Monday, February 05, 2007

Former Vandal to Wear Superbowl 2007 Ring

Yep, that's right. Jake Scott, starting offensive lineman for the Indianapolis Colts, is a former Vandal. He was drafted in 2004 by Indianapolis in the 5th round. He has been said to be the most physical offensive lineman for the Colts.

How awesome is this. A Lewiston, Idaho grad who went on to play at the University of Idaho, ends up winning Superbowl 2007. That's what I'm talkin' about!!!!!!!

Oh, and lets not forget, GO VANDALS!!!!