Hooray!!! Another trip to the dentist. ( I am sure you know that the "hooray" is a total joke...)
Yesterday, we made the trip to Danielle's dentist. We make it there like clock-work, every six months. I am sure you know from previous posts, that Danielle HATES the dentist. If there was anything I could do to keep her from going, you better believe I would. Anything. But, unfortunately, she needs to go. Actually it would probably be best to go sooner than every six months, but then she would REALLY be burnt out.
So, I don't know about all of you guys, but I had awesome teeth as a child. I did not have a single cavity till I was like, in junior high. My mom didn't let us eat much candy, we didn't drink pop, so we went in for our yearly cleanings, and taa-daaa, they were always short and sweet. No problem-o. This is not the case for Danielle, unfortunately. And no, we don't let her drink pop often at all. Special occasions only. Because we know better. Pop and sugared juices and sugar fruit snacks=more cavities. So, they are all a no, no.
The poor little thing has a million teeth crammed into a very small mouth. No room in between teeth for crap. And she also has what dentists call "soft" teeth. So, they are VERY susceptible to cavities, as we have seen. So, my little girl, who is deathly afraid of dentists, has had more work on her teeth at age 8, than I have had in my entire life. Joe included. She has fillings, crowns, teeth pulled, teeth sealed, teeth brushed with fluoride, teeth saturated in fluoride, you name it, we have done it. I actually think I should take a course in dental hygiene, because I sit her down after "we" brush her teeth as a group effort, and then I take a flossing pick to her teeth and scrape and floss every individual teeth. We then use our sonicare tooth brush twice. She hates this routine. but I truly hate to think what situation she would be in if we didn't do this.
So, after her cleaning, I got to go back and talk about the "plan" with the dentist. They wanted to pull multiple teeth, crown another "baby" tooth and fill 2 more(one a baby tooth.). Yippee!!!!! How exciting. We get to come back here 2 more times. We can't wait!!!!
So, today I got my sleepy little girl out of bed and put her in the car and we were off to the torture chamber. They gave her a little pill to calm her nerves........and next time I am gonna ask for one of these pills for myself, as I could use some calming of MY nerves after sitting in a chair for an hour waiting to comfort my daughter that has just been through hell..........not good.
So, they numbed her, they filled a tooth, and then for the "good" part, they pulled 4 teeth. yep, 4. Oh, and not to mention, these were all baby teeth that I paid good money to get filled and crowned a while back. So they just pulled thousands of dollars of hard earned money out of her mouth. good grief. And we still have to go back next week. Yeah..........I can't wait.
2 Yorum var:
Wow, so sorry to hear that!!! Poor Danielle!!! I feel her pain, all of us Auger children inherited awful teeth. Luck of the draw I suppose! Tell her I think she's soooooo brave for going through all that!
Thanks, but unfortunately she still has to go back wed. Yucky!! I'll tell ya, I don't know how many times I have been in tears in the waiting room..........I want to send Joe but I just feel like I would be abandoning her, so I cant......
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