Sunday, June 24, 2007

Our trip....

Alaska was awesome. We had a GREAT time. We were glad to come back to our home, but sad to be out of Alaska. Every minute of it was really great. The ship was cool, the view from the ship was cool, the stops in the ports were unbelievable, the shows were cool, the room was bigger than we thought, the food was good, but we probably will never go to another buffet again....., there were like 2000 people on the cruise, but most of the time, you totally could not tell. The weather was a little cooler than we thought it would be, but we were dressed for it, and it was fine. I thought seven days would drag on but they really didn't. We looked forward to the next port stops. We saw some things on that land that we may never have been able to see and I was just taking it all in. Trying to take tons of pictures, and trying to keep it all in my head. I was actually very comfortable on that ship. (ok, one day I felt sea sick and that sucked...) But, all in all, I miss it now that I am home. Not the ship in general, but the trip. I would recommend it to anyone, and I think it is something you really should experience at least once in your lifetime. It doesn't have to be on a cruise ship, but you HAVE to see it...... great Alaska. Trust me. We truly NEVER tired of the scenery. I am not sure I ever would.
I have to quit writing for now, but I could go on and I'll keep telling my friends and family about it until they make me stop.....

1 Comment:

Lynsey said...

WOW!!! What a great time you must've had!!! First of all, you guys do not look like dorks in your pictures, second of all, yeah, I feel sorry for the parents of the criminal mind kid, and third, tell Danielle to keep panning for that gold! We could all use a little casheesh!