Saturday, June 09, 2007

And I thought I was just "gifted"....(note sarcasm...)

Have you heard the news?? Scientists have just discovered the part of the brain that is responsible for deja-vu. You all know what that is right?? You know, you do something that is totally "new" to you, and somehow, you feel like you have done it before?? Well, the research is not pointing in the right direction for my taste.....they have concluded that deja-vu is a MEMORY problem. And not a good problem. They said that if you are doing something or have been somewhere that is similar to what you are currently doing, your brain might not be able to distinguish the difference and therefore, you will feel like you have done or been in that exact place before. Therefore, the feeling of Deja-vu. So, all along, I was thinking that I was experiencing so much of this that I must be somewhat psychic, but all in all, it's just another PROBLEM with the brain. Go figure....

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