Saturday, January 19, 2008

Gotta love them hoops!!!!!

Today was Danielle's first basketball game!!!! She stayed at her grandma's house last night with 4 of her cousins, and let me tell ya, there was not a whole lot of sleepin' going on. I warned Joe about it, but he was like...."Oh, my mom will make them go to bed cause she'll be tired too...". Ok, NOT!!! Danielle and her older cousin happily stayed up till 4am. Woo-hoo!!! They had an absolute blast, and she can't wait till her next trip to Grandma Sherry's. But, all is good with us, because it didn't seem to effect her at all!!!
So, we got to the gym, and she was raring to go. They pair up the kids before the game, and the girl that she was playing defense against was like twice her size. AND, Danielle isn't a small fry by any means. So, I took a look at the match up and nearly got sick to my stomach. I was sure that Danielle didn't have a chance of making a basket against this girl that stood about 12 inches above her. But, not to worry, because she played AWESOME. I don't know why I even doubted it??? Duhhhh. I think that other girl maybe scored 4 points against Danielle, but Danielle scored 8 points off of her, so I was screaming so loud I nearly lost my voice. After the game I asked Miss D. how it went, and she was like..."It was super fun, I loved it. But, I wish everyone would stop screaming." So I looked at my mom and I was like...."yeah,(in my barely there voice due to my extra-loudness...) grandma was really cheering you on, wasn't she..." Oops. Note to self.......Try to keep my mouth shut at next Saturday's game. This might be nearly impossible. :-(
Oh, and the score isn't supposed to matter, because it is all for fun, but the mighty "filling station" (D's team) girls won, 18-14. That's what I'm talkin' about!!!

2 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

yay for danielle! can you believe basketball season is here already? march madness is lurking right around the corner...matt's favorite time of year!

Kelli said...

Mine too!!!! Go Zags!!