Monday, January 07, 2008

Back to School

It's back to school for Danielle after two weeks of Christmas vacation. What happened to the girl that couldn't wait for school to start? I don't know, because she really wasn't excited about it yesterday or this morning. I am convinced they put to much on these kids at a young age. I don't think as a child I had homework until like 4th or 5th grade. Back then, we always had time to finish it in school, and if we chose not to, we would have to take it home. Well, those days are long gone. As a first grader, she had homework. As a third grader, she has alot of homework, that she truly dreads a lot of the time. What happened to school being fun? Yes people, I understand that school isn't for "fun", and that kids must learn things, but while they are still little, they should still look forward to going there and actually want to be there. I really have got to give it to the public school system here in Post Falls, though, because they will challenge your child till the cows come home. But still, as a third grader I believe that school should be fun and exciting. I think some of the demands on kids these days makes school a little less exciting. And I think it is really too bad. While the teachers are busy making sure Danielle is reading books that are at a 6th grade level, because she can, and she is capable of it, and don't get me wrong, Joe and I are super proud of her for excelling in her grade, Danielle is wishing that she could just have fun and read a regular old 3rd grade book. What gives????

2 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

I know, the homework/schoolwork they have these days is ridiculous. BUT if they don't do enough, they get ridiculed for that also. It's a lose/lose situation I suppose! I remember loving school for some reason- was that because ours was too easy?!

Kelli said...

It could have been?? I don't think it was easy to everyone. But we were lucky.