Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tiger Football Update

Alright, sorry it's a little bit late. When we were in Las Vegas the tiger boys had to make their second trip in down to Kootenai in 2 weeks. As you read in my previous post "Not a good night", it was NOT a good night. Kootenai won at the half, 50 to 0.
So, in that post, I stated that it was a bummer they had to go back down there again, to basically, lose. Well.........the unthinkable happened. My dad called me while I was sitting in a casino in Vegas, and he said "Guess who won the Kootenai/Mullan game last night????" And I said......"Kootenai???"" and he was like "Nope". So, after a bunch of "oh, my gosh", and "your kidding"... I got the scoop. It was a cold, rainy night in Kootenai, Kooteani fumbled alot, the tigers scored alot, they fought hard, and they won. Done.
So, Kootenai is out, Mullan is in, and I take back my previous prediction. So, Mullan will play on saturday and all I can say is......I hope it rains.

1 Comment:

Lynsey said...

Yay!!! I love that post!!!