Friday, November 24, 2006

Office Christmas parties....

It is getting to be that time of year, and we are preparing for the good ole' office Christmas party. In our case, its office Christmas partie(s). We have three of them for my husbands work alone.

These parties really tend to crack me up. I think they are funnier to me than my husband, because I don't work with these people, and I think it is truly hilarious when they make (fools of themselves). I, wouldn't go that far. I really think its all in fun. I mean heck, you've got to have a few beers at your christmas party.....right???? I thought so. It would just be nice if you could refrain from spitting your drink at the person next to you when you laugh about something someone said. Yes, I have seen this happen. Yes, I thought this was funny. No, I probably wouldn't if I were next to the person doing the spitting.

Anyway, I can't wait for the parties to start. I want to observe all the funny little things that occur at these parties. Give good people alcohol and you never know what's gonna happen. Cheers!!!!

3 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

Just think, I have to attend all these parties completely sober this year! Ugh!!

KAYLEE said...

I am ready from christmas too!i love this time of the year.My om has 2 christmas parties at her woork this brthday isnt too far away from christmas either the 22nd.

Kelli said...

Oh lynsey, I feel for ya!!!
You're gonna have a very busy month kaylee!!!