Ok, so, we are in California for our vacation. We are relaxing, enjoying the sites, the roar of the ocean, the feel of the sand on our toes, and here she comes.........the "panhandler". Here in Idaho, the panhandler's hold up signs. They usually stand on a corner in a non-confrontational way, and hold up there little sign that states what they need, and often what their problem is.
So, anyway, she comes up to us, as we are enjoying the beautiful ocean......and she says, to my mom, " Hey, could you spare some change, so I could like, get a coffee and some smokes..." What????? did she just say "Coffee and Smokes"????? Good greif. Did those 2 items just become a necessity??? Was I not aware of this. Alright, I admit, I love my cup of coffee, there was also a time when I loved to try a cigarette, or two......But, these things were not up high on my needs for the day. I thought that when you were out asking people for hand-outs, you were usually in need of like, food. Water. Blankets????? You know, stuff like that, that you need to survive...????
Also, what's really funny about that is that she asked my mom, who really has like, no money, and doesn't even buy coffee for herself, let alone fork it out for a lady she has never seen before. So, anyway, the lady didn't get any money from us, I mean my gosh, we hadn't even had OUR coffee and smokes for the day.........just kidding.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
What people wont do for coffee.......
Posted by Kelli at 3:09 PM
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2 Yorum var:
No kidding! Totally agreed. I dont head down the street looking for handouts when I need a glass of wine! Although that doesn't sound like a bad idea...
Hey, that's an idea. Maybe not a good one, but its and idea, indeed.
Sen de yaz