Monday, March 17, 2008

Honey is your mom home????

I am getting really tired of hearing this. You wouldn't think a 33 year old adult would get asked this on a regular basis while answering the phone. Ok, I KNOW I have a young sounding voice. I even know that to some people I have a young, irritating sounding voice. (Thanks again to the guy who pointed that out 10 years ago at a bank I worked at...Oh, and BTW, I am not a bit self conscious about it....) But, you would think as the years go on....I would sorta get a more adult like voice. Nope. I think all hope is gone. The funny part is, I don't hear myself as having a child-like voice. Maybe I am in denial. My grandpa has called our house and after talking to him for 20 minutes I realize he thinks I am Danielle. Then I don't know if I should just play along, or break the news to him gently....
So, today I answer the phone, as I normally do, because I am usually the only one home during the day, and a lady on the line goes..."Honey is your mommy or daddy home?". What the heck should I say to that? I usually say something like.."I AM the mommy..". But I really considered playing along this time. I should have went...."No, my daddy and mommy aren't here now....they left me here alone over a month ago....they said something about going to Vegas with their tax money.....but I haven't seen or heard from them since. Do you have any food???".
Gosh, I am just getting tired of it. I mean, I think I should probably just accept the fact that my voice may not ever change. But I need to log off now, and continue practicing my new low-adult-style voice.

3 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

LOL!!! You DO have a very young sounding voice! So do I, must be an Idaho thing...we both have baby faces too. Probably because we grew up in the sticks and didn't get much sun?

katrina said...

Then Shawn calls up tonight and when you answer says..."Hi Danielle, can I talk to your dad?" LOL!! This is the 1st thing that came to my mind was this blog! :)

katrina said...

By the way..........Shawn is VERY sorry.