With the weatherman saying there is a potential snowfall tonight....(Double YEAHHH!!!), I am ready for Christmas. Here's my to-do list...
Christmas Tree # 1 up..........check
Christmas Tree # 2 up........almost check
Christmas Tree #3 up(Danielle's)..........check
Icicle lights up outside........check.(Thank you god for not letting Joe fall of the roof THIS YEAR...)
Multiple fake Santas inside........check
Xmas Decor on front porch...........check
Kitchen Xmas decor............check
Bathroom Christmas Decor.......check
More outside Xmas lights........not yet checked.
Fixer house decked out in Christmas decor........check
Ok, I just realized this is pathetic. It isn't even December yet. Don't I have anything better to do??? No!!!! But, I found a fun quiz. Oh, and just for your info.....I don't sing. I have no idea why the quiz said I do.....
Your Christmas is Most Like: The Muppet Christmas Carol |
![]() You tend to reflect on Christmas past, present, and future... And you also do a little singing. |
2 Yorum var:
oh come on you know you bellow out christmas carols around the house while danielle is at school! :)
Oh yeah.......she wants a Kareoke machine for her birthday, but doesn't know she's gonna get one cause I want one too....lol
Sen de yaz