Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I wish my hips were bigger.....

Ok, you'll never believe what I heard on the news today. Sometimes I wonder if there are scientists sitting around somewhere twiddling their thumbs, trying to think up some stupid idea for a "scientific" study. I mean, who comes up with these things????
The latest one I heard about today was that a mom's HIP size, during pregnancy, actually effects the intelligence of her child. I guess they figured out that women who have bigger hips, have smarted kids. Who says???? Is this really "scientific". You have got to be kidding me. Crap, Danielle is out of luck, then. Because I was SUPER skinny in the hip area when I got preg-o with her. But, on the bright side, if we were currently trying to conceive a child, this one would have NO problem-o in the smarts department. Just ask my they have recently went up ANOTHER size. Oh well, that gives me an excuse to buy new pairs of cool jeans.....right girls. Ya gotta look on the bright side of things. Oh, and I am just wondering if bigger hips would also make ME smarter. I'll have to think on it and get back to ya.....but I don't think so....darn it.

2 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

I saw that on the news and was so confused! It had to do with the waste to hip ratio or something retarded like that, right?! Oh come on! Like we don't have enough bullsh*t to worry about when we have kids.

Kelli said...

I agree!!!