Monday, April 24, 2006

Me??.... The Frustrated Parent??!!!!

Ok, I need to vent. I have about had enough of dentists. No, I do not like them at all!!! I hate sitting in the dentists chair and getting tortured. But guess what, my daughter hates it more. This is where the story begins.......
My sweet angel daughter, my well behaved, well rounded child, absolutely hates the thought of going to the dentist. Who can blame her??? We have struggled with this since her first visit to the "merry" place. We have a child that is really happy when things go her way, but can change her toon really fast when they dont go her way. Particularly in the dentists office. We have been able to reason with her on about every other major issue that has come our way. You know, sharing with friends, studying after school, no hitting, etc, etc. Well, she can turn into a totally different child right about the time a dentist needs to place a tool in her mouth. She will not listen to reason at all. (Her thinking is.....Of Course I wont, they are about to "hurt" me. Who in their right mind would just sit still and take it.) So, we definately have had major issues with this.
We started with going to a family dentist. Just to look in her mouth. Not bad, except that she gags when someone puts anything weird in her mouth. Ok, that didn't work. X-rays were even worse. So, the family dentist gladly recommends we go to a pediatric dentist. How exciting. She now gets to watch a cartoon while they put tools in her mouth. Does that make a difference??? No. So, we will try to give her a pill to sedate her a bit. Does that help??? Well, she did get some fillings, she did get work done, I thought that was awesome, but she still threw up. O0ps. So, they gladly recommended that she see a different pediatric dentist.
So, off we go after going through about 4 dentists in our area, we finally had to go to a different state for more options. Maybe they had better pediatric dentists????
So, we go to our new dentist. Same stuff, but, she actually let them put tools in her mouth. She actually let them pull 2 teeth. She actually got some fillings. We actually re scheduled more work and she walked to the office with me, no fuss. I was so happy!!! Yeah, we have found a match. Well, unfortunately, they also ended up telling me today that she is just too much work for them. Oh my gosh, these guys are sopposed to be PEDIATRIC dentists, people. I thought they dealt with these issues all the time. Obviously, I guess I am wrong. Could it be me that they have a problem with?? I know I have heard of other kids not loving the dentist also. This can't be a new issue for them. So, Anyway, we paid for her sealant, and went on our unhappy way. I guess we will be good for another 6 months, then our cleaning will be due and we will be looking for another dentist. Fun, Fun.

3 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

Oh Kel, remember me when I was little and Dr. Brandz threated to put me over his knee and spank me if I didn't shut up?? I still remember that every time I visit the dentist!

I wish there was something I could do to help. Those jerks. Who the heck do they think they are!

Kelli said...

Oh my gosh, she takes after you!!!!lol. I forgot about that. Now I feel better. I bet your mom about freaked. She probably still gets all fired up when she thinks about it!!!

Lynsey said...

Yeah now THAT was bad! He put the fear of God into me real quick! And I still didn't shut up! :-)
I remember one time I threatened to run away if they made me go to the dentist! Thankfully I am much better now. I don't mind the dentist one bit. But when you're little its soooo hard. So many kids are like that though so don't feel like you're the only parent who suffers from this!! Trust me!