Friday, October 03, 2008

I couldn't have said it better than this guy.....

There was this comment on the CDA press website this morning, about a letter to the editor. (not mine). This particular letter to the editor was one I see quite often, someone complaining about how much tax the top 1% of income earners have to pay, and how unfair it is, and yaddi yadda..... Anyway, I think this gentlemans comment about that letter was just genious. So I have to post it, and I know all of you may not agree, which is totally fine, it is just something that I couldn't have posted as well as he did......hopefully he doesn't mind my "stealing".

Here goes...

"Yes, the very rich pay more in taxes, in terms of raw dollar amount. But it affects them far, far less than those who do not make as much money.

Why? Because prices are fixed and do not operate as a percentage of income or net worth. A gallon of gas is going to cost you around $3.50, whether you have ninety-four squillion dollars and the gas is going into your 80-foot yacht, or whether you have thirty-two dollars to your name and the gas is going into your '87 Accord to get you to your $9/hr job.

It's a matter of what is left over after you pay those taxes. The rich are still going to have plenty left to live on, quite comfortably --- exactly because things cost the same for them as they do for the very poor. The poor are hit so much harder, proportionally, even if the percentage tax rate is exactly the same --- again, exactly because things cost the same for them as they do for the very rich.

So truly, the only fair way of going about it is to ask the rich --- who will still live very nicely indeed, thanks --- to bear a bit more of the shared burden, percentage-wise. The other alternative, I guess, would be to make prices correspond to percentages of income: if you make minimum wage, a gallon of milk costs .0033% of your monthly income, or $3.80; if you make $300K a year, a gallon of milk costs .0033% of your monthly income, or $82.50/gallon.

Which would you prefer?
posted by -Mahein"

Anyway, I thought it was really interesting. Now, don't get all freaked out....I don't really think the people who make 300K a year should pay $82.50 for a gallon of milk. But the whole idea really makes sense to me. He got me thinking, and I liked it.

2 Yorum var:

Lynsey said...

I just don't think that someone should be penalized for making a lot of money. It's absurd. Some people work their asses off to become rich and successful, why should they pay more taxes than the next person?? Someone needs to explain to me WHY they should pay more?? I just don't get it.

Kelli said...

To me, it isn't more. It's just the same "percentage". Kinda like sales tax. Everyone pays the same percentage.
BUT, with taxes, people that don't make enough to get by,....(like my mom, for example) shouldn't have to pay any. ( a couple of years ago she had to pay like $400 and she just didn't have it, being that she made like 11K the WHOLE year) I like to think Joe and I catch her share, because we make tons more than she does, and we can totally afford it. So we just think of it that way. Kinda like at church, we give more of a percentage than others, but we all get the benefit of being in the congregation and reaping the benefits.